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Hello there and welcome to ZX Bags!
A place dedicated to my adventures with the ZX Spectrum.
This site is just somewhere for me to dump the various things I have created in relation to the legendary British home computer from the 1980's such as videos and games.
The games are available to download for free on the Games page in TZX file format for use with an emulator.
I hope that you find something to mildly amuse you here, if even just for a short while.

Legend of the Burgle!
Physical release available to buy on eBay now!
This game is the third in the "Burgle!" saga, puzzle games that involve foul mouthed burglars robbing houses.
Recommended for adults only!
The cassette contains the main game and also the first two games "On the Burgle!" and "Back on the Burgle!"
For just £7.50, you can own one of these plastic pieces of absurdity.
Click here to nab yourself a copy from my eBay listing.
Currently available in the UK only.
Want a Spectrum sticker, perhaps some Trap Door ones or a Trap Door print?
Check out my missus' website for those and many more wholesome things.
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