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Pac-Mania - ZX Spectrum 128K


My most recent game playthrough with no commentary.​


I was really down to the wire with this one but by some miracle managed to get through to the end.

Playing Spectrum games with a Steering Wheel


I had a daft idea...

Could I play Speccy games via the Spectaculator emulator using a Logitech G920 steering wheel?


Turns out that I could with a bit of fiddling around and it was quite a lot of fun!​

I Love The Trap Door​


A short video where I talk about the classic TV show and the associated Spectrum games.​


I also show off a few things that I have collected.

The "Burgle!" Saga​


Here I talk about all four games in the "Burgle!" saga and show some footage of each game.


This video also announced the release of them all for free in TZX file format.

There are plenty more videos on the YouTube Channel!

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